Notes on Love

To be loved is a extraordinary feeling. To feel seen, understood and needed in another persons life adds an additional purpose to ones life.

But does the additional purpose from being in love or offering love to others ever over shadow our main purpose in life?

As for me yes. Being in love and serving others often comes as number one on my to do list and God falls second. I am guilty of putting God’s creations before the creator Himself. 

My Thoughts and Prayers Lately:

Prayer: God help me put you first. Help me have the heart to put you first. To talk to you and focus on you in all I do. Help me come to you at the beginning of my day Jesus. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thoughts: There seems to be so much loneliness in the world right now. Especially among 18-35 year olds. We are struggling to make friends, fall in love and build relationships which endure over time rather than crumble. 

Thoughts: Romance is the name of the game in February, which may feel very lonely for people who are single or widowed. 

Prayer: God help me remember the order of your ways. Love you, love your creation, tell others the joyfully good new. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thoughts: God cares about what we have been through. God is much more gentle with us than other humans are. I have to remember while Christians are meant to be a good representation of Christ, we are imperfect beings. Christians are not a replacement for a relationship with Christ. 

Reflection Questions:

Are you fighting loneliness in your life? When do you find yourself most lonely? Do you have a plan to overcome the loneliness?

If you are not fighting loneliness, why not? What are habits or relationships you have that limit lonely feelings in your life? Comment your habits below to help others please 🙂 

Where are you placing things or people God created over spending time with God? 

What, if anything, prevents you from spending more time with God? 


Do something nice for someone just because it is kind. In February we often think about romantic love, but there are so many people to love in this world. There are friends, coworkers, homeless people, widows, soldiers, EMTs, nurses, teachers, small business employees, and more! Be kind to simply be kind this month. 🤎